Review: Birdman Eating
A lazy Saturday morning beckoned, and a trip to The Commoner seemed to be the order of the day, but alas, when we arrived the door was firmly shut.
A quick scan through the mental rolodex of places I’ve always meant to get to, but haven’t – Birdman Eating.
It’s not far away, the parking gods are on our side and we are quickly contemplating the menu.
Breakfast is good here – it’s an art and they take it quite seriously. The Baked Eggs change regularly and we watch a lot of them come out of the kitchen. But today, my thoughts leap to melty cheesy bread. Welsh Rarebit. And it was a proper rarebit, not just grilled cheese on toast. The cheese had been cooked into a cheesy, mustardy sauce and then spread on toast. A quick stay under a hot grill and the bubbly cheesy goodness was making me very happy.

And it’s always hard to go past beans on toast.
These had a delicious Moroccan spice background adding a woody cinnamon and a subtle heat. I don’t especially like baked beans, but I was tempted to swap cheesy goodness for beans.
Next time I want the housemade crumpets with leatherwood honey; or the Coconut Quinoa Porridge, with banana and palm sugar; or maybe baked vanilla ricotta with fruit and almonds. Then again, maybe the Black Pudding, or the Kippers will take my fancy, then again, there are always the baked eggs!
The coffee wasn’t bad, wasn’t great, but the Chai was worth writing about, and is a nice gentle finish instead of a third coffee.
3 coffees, beans, welsh rarebit and chair was $36.00 and good value.